Donated by Oakman Inns & Restaurants
Relax, unwind, and enjoy an overnight stay for 2, in one of The Oakman Inn Hotels of your choice! Enjoy the beautiful charm of an Inn whose personality reflects the local area, and which is at the heart of the community. Many of the properties are Grade II listed and have been restored and decorated to retain their heritage and charm whilst giving a contemporary and welcome feel. And then wake up to a delicious breakfast!
Hotels are located in Hertfordshire, Oxfordshire, Surrey, Bedfordshire and Warwickshire
For hotel venues please go to and follow the link to hotels https://www.oakmaninns.co.uk/venues
*Stay is valid for 12 months and subject to availability and does not include ‘special event days’ and peak periods.
*One night stay with breakfast is complimentary however card details for any allocations will need to be provided on check in to cover damages and additional items
*All T&Cs apply for further information please follow the link https://www.oakmaninns.co.uk/legal#hotel
*Please state which venue you would like to stay in on application.