Project Midlands

Project Results

Our grants from the Woodhill Charitable Trust
Value of gifts, experiences and essentials items we were able to provide
Number of people we reached

Supported by: The Woodhill Charitable Trust

Following the delivery of several regional response programmes in East Anglia and the South and as a result of direct feedback from our beneficiaries, prospective applicants, and health professionals, it became part of our strategic plan to develop our services into areas of the UK which we were only operating in on an ad hoc basis due to lack of funding. January 2023 sees us launch the Something To Look Forward To service in the midlands thanks to support from The Woodhill Charitable Trust. This project will allow people living in or receiving their treatment in The Midlands to apply for ringfenced gifts, experiences, and essential items via website application and via our partner agencies, giving them prioritised access to positive activities, experiences, and essential items which they would not otherwise have access to.

This project aims to improve the emotional health and quality of life for cancer patients and their families and Carers by providing donated gifts, experiences, and essential items; helping to relieve the financial burden associated with cancer treatment and allowing those affected to focus on rest, recuperation, wellbeing, and positive memory building. This project will support people of any age, with any cancer diagnosis from point of diagnosis up to one year after their last active treatment and will continue to support those with a terminal or secondary diagnosis on an ongoing basis. Benefactrices are eligible to receive up to one main gift each year (i.e., cottage holiday), two additional gifts (i.e., restaurant meal / spa break) and unlimited extra gifts (i.e., online yoga / pamper packs).