91% of cancer patients suffer a loss of income, causing additional stress and mental health issues.
(Source: Macmillan)
How people benefit
‘Something To Look Forward To’ improves quality of life for cancer patients and their families by providing gifts, experiences, and essentials, helping to relieve the financial burden associated with cancer treatment and allowing those affected to focus on rest, recuperation, wellbeing, and positive memory building.
We focus on researching, identifying, and building long lasting relationships with individuals, and companies who donate gifts and experiences which we then match to those in need.
Cancer is a physical disease but, like any illness, it affects who you are and how you make sense of the world. A sense of well-being enables people affected by cancer during and after treatment to lead as normal and active life as possible and it is an integral part of the cancer pathway. It is also essential that well-being support is available to families and Carers as well.
The holistic approach offered by the ‘Something To Look Forward To’ service leads to more positive outcomes for people affected by cancer.

Having something to look forward to sounds a simple enough idea…something nice after you’ve had a rough time. But it is much more than that. After more than a year of worry, stress, pain, anxiety and sadness, having something to look forward to helps you to have positive emotions again, and helps you re-learn to experience joy.
After so long of feeling detached from the world around you, it helps you to find your place again. The kindness shown by your charity and your donors, in doing this for us, helps us feel supported on our journey with cancer.
(Service User)