Jump out of a perfectly good aeroplane at 13,000 feet… why not?

Tandem skydive

Following a short pre-jump briefing, you will enjoy the thrill of free fall and even learn the basics of steering and landing a modern ‘square’ gliding parachute, while securely attached to a highly experienced instructor.

With a tandem parachute especially designed for two people, you will board an aircraft and soar to around 13,000 feet (approximately two miles high!). When you and your instructor leave the plane, you will fall at about 120 mph, descending to 5,000 feet in around 40 seconds. At this point, your instructor will open the parachute and fly you safely back to earth!

Just why???

Because it will be one of the most thrilling, adrenaline rushes you will ever experience in your life.

You can brag about it afterwards and tick it off your list as ‘DONE’.

All of the above excitement, pleasure and satisfaction, whilst at the same time raising some sponsorship money to help our charity provide more gifts and experiences to people affected by cancer.

The details

Dates: Subject to availability and weather but we will be jumping  at least one day most months of the year.

Duration: From arrival to completion you could be at the airfield for around 3 hours.

The skydive is about 45 seconds and then 5 minutes of parachuting.

Costs: £180 (reduced charity discounted rate from the normal £230).

Sponsorship: Target to raise is £150.

Watch the charity founder leading by example

Introducing ‘Mission 10 for 10’

December 2024 will be the start of our 10th year as a charity.

Thanks to the generous gift donations from so many companies and individuals, we have been able to give over 40k people affected by cancer ‘Something To Look Forward To’ .

To celebrate our 10th year we are going ’10 crazy’ with lots of fundraising events around the number 10.

Our skydiving challenge is to raise £10k by getting groups of 10 people to throw themselves out of a plane and fall to the earth at slightly more than 10 miles an hour.

If we can get 10 groups of 10, if each person raises at least £100… we will achieve the magic £10k in no time (I suspect we will raise much more).

Go you!!! You will not regret it and will be telling all your friends how great it was and how much they really need to do it.

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