Fundraiser: Andy Coldron, charity Co-founder and part of the David Lloyd Sprint Triathlon Bunch
Date of the event: Sunday 14th June 2020


Well what can I say… took part in this event for the first time in 2018 and sure enough I lost a stone training for it and absolutely loved the event.

Discovered I like cycling and although I point blank refuse to join the MAMIL brigade, I did invest in a nice road bike soon after the event.

So, Sprint Triathlon… 400 metres swim (16 lengths of a pool) in a flattering one-piece suit. 23k on a bike which includes a small hill and finish it all off with a 5k chafing run.

As most of you know last year a bunch of us from David Lloyd took part in this sprint (not that any sprinting got done) triathlon in Sudbury.

We raised over £9k last year for the charity my wife and I run which was awesome.

If anyone fancies taking part this year the application form has gone online.

You obviously don’t have to do it for my charity but if you did that would be great.

This year I will be doing it again for fun as it really actually is fun.

If you can’t swim… have some lessons as others did last year and now they know how to swim.

If you don’t have a top racing bike… doesn’t matter. Any bike will do. Shioab cycles on the oldest heaviest bike and he enjoys every minute of the cycle.

If you think you can’t run 5k… we all can and besides walking is allowed… isn’t that right Shioab and Daniel 😉

For anyone who is interested and wants to know more but doesn’t know me, I am sure you will recognise me from the photo above. The only difference is I now have a beard and am even more toned.

More details can be found here:


Our amazing Fundraisers

You could give people ‘Something to look forward to’ by doing your own sponsored event.

We can support you by setting up an online fundraising page and will offer you advice regarding promotion of your event.

We can also supply a fundraising pack including a T-Shirt and marketing material. Thank you in advance!