Fundraiser: Jasmine and Karen

Date of the event: October 2019

Jasmine and Karen Cut Out Sugar For October

We’ve decided to give up sugar this October! for Something To Look Forward To because They gave Jasmine + the boys a wonderful holiday.

A few months ago Jasmine was given the gift of a cottage stay in Devon by a charity called Something To Look Forward To, this was something that kept her going throughout 6 months of gruelling chemotherapy treatment.

The holiday was last week and it was amazing, Jasmine has also been given the gift of Battle of the Proms tickets, and a discounted pottery class whilst on holiday, all provided by the charity.

Now it’s time to raise as much as possible for a fantastic charity that helped Jasmine, Ashley, Sam and Harry create some lasting memories as a family.

If you know Karen and Jasmine you’ll know how difficult giving up sugar for a month will be! No sugar in Karen’s tea and no pick and mix for Jasmine for an entire month! Let’s do this!

Our amazing Fundraisers

You could give people ‘Something to look forward to’ by doing your own sponsored event.

We can support you by setting up an online fundraising page and will offer you advice regarding promotion of your event.

We can also supply a fundraising pack including a T-Shirt and marketing material. Thank you in advance!